Minerva’s Owl is Crying

“Minerva’s owl spreads its wings at nightfall.”

[…] “We are undermined by our universities, our journalists, by the people who receive our art grants and who design our buildings.”

[…] “But we have been called to the front. Because we have to. Because our country needs us.”

Thierry Baudet, 3/21/2019

The goddess Minerva cannot defend herself against this defilement. Minerva’s owl weeps and I cry with her.

Cry for them with hatred in their hearts
Cry for them without awareness
Cry for them

Avé, morituri too salutant

The Owl of Minerva is crying 2

Passion for Clay, SKNH Exposition Tuitjenhorn 2019

What connects all the ceramic artists in the world? A passion for clay. How do we honor the clay? In different ways. The ceramists of North-Holland, united in the SKNH, celebrate this passion the next two weekends in Tuitjenhorn and everyone is welcome at the party!

And how do you start a great ceramic feast? With a cleanup and to stock bee… uh I mean to arrange sculptures. And that’s exactly what all thirty ceramists of North-Holland have done today. And yes that meant I had to work too…Exposition Tuitjenhorn-3

Large Retrospective of the Ceramics of the SKNH members
De OndernemersCentrale (DOC)
Oostwal 2 1747 EZ Tuitjenhorn
Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 March
Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 March
Opening Hours: 11.00-17.00

Continue reading Passion for Clay, SKNH Exposition Tuitjenhorn 2019