Tag Archives: Etsy

My Etsy tufted duck on the Christmas table

I hear you thinking, “A tufted duck for Christmas diner?” No, these ducks are already roasted. I do not propose another Christmas banquet, I would like to introduce you to my latest ceramic sculptures, which would like to visit for the holidays.

And what an “Etsy” is? Let me start at the beginning. As I write this blog my kiln is cooling  from a bisque fire. In the barn,  my kiln space, it’s nice and warm, but outside it’s chilly. Days are getting shorter and I keep getting more emails about making my Etsy store winter ready for the holiday season.

Tufted Duck Ceramics (6 or 8)

And I have started. I filled my shop with new sculptures. And I’ve made my first discount campaign at Etsy…

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